About Us
Hi! My name is Julie Smith and im a stay at home mom and a small time F1 Goldendoodle breeder in Jacksonville, Alabama. I only have a litter once every 18 months. I have two female dogs, Holly and Sandy, and our male 'sire' poodle Nick belongs to a good friend and neighbor. This is only our second litter of Goldendoodles but growing up my family and I raised German Shepherds, so im not new to this. Our puppies are born and raised in my home. Having them with us allows me to maintain cleanliness and give a higher quality of care. My daughters love helping with the puppies. They clean up after them, feed them and play with them. Your puppy will come to you having already experienced the 'fun' only 4 and 6 year old children can provide. Socialization really is a crucial part of having a great puppy!
We currently only breed our female Holly. Sandy isn't old enough yet and we want mature moms. Breeding Holly with a black poodle turns out beautiful puppies, that vary in color from very light blonde, dark blonde, red, or solid black. Coats also vary. The blonde puppies tend to have a thicker coat and the black puppies have very shiny smooth coats. They are all adorable!
Mom and Dad
Holly is a gorgeous dark gold/red AKC registered Golden Retriever. She has a wonderful temperment, is great with kids and extremley smart!
Nick is a very handsome solid black standard Sized AKC registered poodle. He is very intelligent, loves to impress and very lovable.