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A Goldendoodle is a Golden Retriever and Poodle cross.  Goldendoodles have been bred in North America and Australia since the early to mid-1990's. The quick rise of the popularity of Goldendoodles is due to the dogs themselves, they are an extraordinary hybrid.


Hyrbid Vigour-


Most Goldendoodles are a first generation cross, and as such they exhibit  hybrid vigour.  This is a phenomenon in animal breeding referring to the fact that the first cross between two unrelated purebred lines is healthier and grows better than either parent line.  The hybrid cross between these two parent breeds are terrific family dogs, friendly, intelligent, affectionate and easy to train.   With each successive generation, vigour is lost




The Goldendoodle's ancestry along both parent lines is as hunters and water dogs. The physical appearance of the Goldendoodle runs anywhere from a shaggy-looking retriever to a curl-relaxed poodle, but usually it falls somewhere inbetween.  The length when left unclipped grows to about  4-8 inches.  The color of the coat can be cream, gold, apricot, chocolate, gray, black, parti or phantom. Most Goldendoodles have a Standard Poodle as a parent, and are standard sized.   Like many poodle crosses, most Goldendoodles are light to non-shedding, and most live easily with families with MILD allergies




Goldendoodles are an intelligent and obedient family companion. They are everybody's friend and devoted to their family. They are friendly towards children, other dogs and pets, and easy with -strangers.  They are social dogs, happiest when with people. Goldendoodles are likely to get into mischief and develop behavior problems if they spend most of their lives alone. Their intelligence, eagerness to please, and love of learning make them very easy to train.  They are medium-to large sized family dogs with easy dispositions. They make excellent service dogs. They grow healthier than parent dogs and have a life expectancy of 15 years. 




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