Available 9-24-16
$800 each
Our 2nd Litter arrived August 3rd. They will be ready to go home on September 24th. I have 4 girls and 4 boys! This is a gorgeous litter! Im so excited for everyone who will get to take one home! All puppies will be vet checked, have first set of shots and deworming. I also send home a bag of food and their first dose of heartworm preventative. If you are interested in purchasing I do ask for a $100 deposit. I explain why on the Home tab under policy. Also, we will meet you with your puppy to save you drive time.
We breed for quality and temperment and the parents of these dogs are fantastic in both areas. Most of the time people only think of Goldendoodles being 'Golden' but the black doodles are exquisite. My mother has a black puppy from our first litter and he is so handsome. He looks like a giant Scottie with huge floppy Dumbo ears!
This litter has been so much fun! Eight total puppies with 4 boys and 4 girls!
The Girls
This is my only light golden female! Shes big and spunky! She weighed in at 12 lbs on 9/22. She is the biggest in the litter!
Pink Girl SOLD
This is my pick from all the black puppies. She is going to be big! So sweet!
Purple Girl SOLD
Another Sweetie! These black pupies have the softest coats! She is a sweetheart!
*her collar is purple it just looks pink.
Red Girl SOLD
Do you love puppy kisses?? Shes the one for you! I'm very attached to this little girl. Shes so lovable.
The Boys
Black Boy Sold
This is going to be a big gorgeous dog! So very handsome!
Blue Boy SOLD
Ok, the picture is worth a thousand words! I love this pup!
Puppy Napolean
Green Boy Sold
This is my adventurer. He's the one that explores when everyone else is asleep! Very smart pup!
Red Boy Sold
Another very handsome light blonde pup! He loves to snuggle!